While drawing out their strength and resilience? Facing barriers that are keeping you from experiencing the close and joyful relationship you desire with your child or teen? Is emotional distress keeping your child or teen from thriving in their social or academic world?
You"ve come to the right place! I started Set Free Play Therapy with a passion for seeing children, adolescents, and families thrive through the journey of traditional and play therapy. I have seen the power of early intervention setting the foundation for individuals health and relationships into adulthood.
My experience includes working with children and adolescents who struggle with most emotional and behavioral difficulties including:
I have also helped individuals work through a variety of circumstances:
I use techniques that empower young clients to explore who they are, and what they have experienced. In discovering their own strength and resilience, they find healing and freedom to embrace the full potential of who they are and what they
are capable of.